What Does The Pre-Claim Timeline For An Injury Case Look Like?

The period before you file a claim in an injury case is legally distinct from what comes after. A major feature of the pre-claim period is the timeline. With a handful of exceptions in a few states, nearly all injury cases are under legally imposed time pressures before the victim files. Let's look at what the timeline is like during this period. Statute of Limitations For the majority of cases in nearly all states, the statute of limitations is two years from the time of the incident in question. [Read More]

Have You Parted Ways With Your Spouse? Learn Some Essential Child Custody Tips

Fighting for the custodianship of your kids is probably the most challenging issue to face after a divorce. But when all is said and done, you'll need to develop an arrangement in the kids' best interest. Sometimes, the arrangements can favor one partner and disfavor the other. For this reason, you should explore as many strategies as possible to secure a favorable outcome. Here are some of the measures you can take to achieve this. [Read More]

Are You Contemplating A Divorce? Here's How To Get A Favorable Child Custody Outcome

Child custody disputes are normally quite difficult to battle out in a court of law. However, you have to put up a spirited fight to ensure that your kids get the best life after your divorce. There's no single strategy that can guarantee you that you'll get a win in your child custody case. But, you can take measures to improve your odds of getting a favorable outcome. Here are some of them. [Read More]

What To Do When You Suspect A Home Health Aid Is Conducting Elder Abuse

When you hire a home health agency to provide in-home care for your aging loved one, you expect them to treat your family member with the utmost care. However, the sad truth is that some of these paid professionals engage in elder abuse — which is not okay. If you know an agency representative that you suspect is abusing your loved one, make sure you know what to do. Signs of Abuse [Read More]